Wednesday, 10 February 2016

A few notes

Good morning,

Here are a few notes:

1. Just a reminder that we will be having our Valentine's Day party this Friday during the last 2 periods of the day.  I have sent home a list with the student's names.  Thank you in advance to those proving the snacks.

2. Here is the poster for the next Patrol movie at Polo Park:

School Patrol Movie
Saturday, February 20th
Polo Park – Silver City Cinema
Doors open at 8:00am
Movies will start at 9:30am

Free entry for School Patrols with current membership cards
Kids popcorn pack is $5.00 (includes Popcorn, Drink & Treat)

 The two movie options are Hotel Transylvania 2 or Goosebumps

Please pick up your children
ON TIME at 11:00 am sharp.
Children will not be allowed to leave without a parent.

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