Parent Information Booklet

Information Booklet Grade 5 Room 22 Mme S. Craciun

Dear parents,

Welcome to grade 5, room 22!  I have put together this information booklet to provide you with classroom routines and expectations as well as an overview of what your child will be learning in each subject. Please go over the information in this booklet with your child so that they are better prepared to start grade 5. 

If you ever need to contact me, please do not hesitate to phone the school, write a note in the agenda or e-mail at .  I will get back to you as soon as possible and look forward to keeping in contact with you. You may also wish to look on the classroom website for any further information such as weekly spelling words and monthly newsletters.  If you wish to volunteer, please let me know at least three days in advance so that we can prepare for you. 

We will be having class celebrations on special occasions throughout the year. I will prepare a sign-up sheet with the students and send home that information at a later time. We will decide as a class who would like to bring certain items for each celebration!   As per the health policy, we encourage students to bring foods that are healthy.

I hope you found the Opening Conferences to be a worthwhile experience and I am looking forward to a great learning year with your child. Thank you for taking the time to read this information! 


Mme S. Craciun 

Course Description Summaries

SUBJECT: Français/French 

The focus of the French Immersion Program is the use of the French language as a means of communication through the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The general outcomes of the program are based on oral and written production, oral and written comprehension and the appreciation of learning French and French culture.   The goal is to help students become functionally bilingual. 
 Activities and themes explored this year will be chosen from:
- La rentrée and other plays - Novel Studies (Babouche est jalouse and other titles) – Guided Reading - Poetry - Articles -
- Book Reports - Oral Presentations - Verbs - Les amis de lecture (Book Buddies with grade 2 class) – Other.  We will also be incorporating Social Studies with the French curriculum through our studies of Canadian history.

SUBJECT: Language Arts 

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to meet the general and specific outcomes of the program. The five general outcomes are:
1) Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.  
2) Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral literary and media texts.  
3) Manage ideas and information.  
4) Enhance clarity and artistry of communication.  
5) Celebrate and build community.  

 Activities and themes explored this year will be chosen from:
- Home reading
- D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) 
- Spelling(Words Their Way) and grammar
- Personal dictionary
- T.W.A.S. (The Week At School)
- Guided Reading - Novel Studies 
- Reading comprehension activities - connecting to texts
- Oral Presentations

SUBJECT: Mathématiques/Mathematics 

The following four main topics will be covered: 
1) Patterns and Relations
2) Statistics and Probability (Analysis of Data and Chance and
3) Numbers (Number Concepts and Number Operations)
4) Shape and Space (Measurement, Three Dimensional Objects and
Two Dimensional Figures and Transformations)
Students will explore these concepts through the use of problem solving, technology, reasoning, communication, estimation, mental math, visualisation and relationships.  

SUBJECT: Sciences de la nature/Science 

The four clusters in grade 5 are: 
1) Maintaining a Healthy Body
2) Properties of and Changes in Substances
3) Forces and Simple Machines
4) Weather

SUBJECT: Sciences humaines/Social Studies 

The new curriculum studies Peoples and Stories of Canada to 1867. The four units in this new curriculum are:
1) First Peoples
2) Early European Colonization (1600-1763)
3) Fur Trade
4) From British Colony to Confederation (1763-1867)

  • We will also do a short review of Canadian provinces and capital cities at the beginning of the year. 

  • SUBJECT: Hygiène/Health & Éducation physique/Physical Education – S. Craciun & R. Senecal

The goal of the Health Program is to promote a positive and healthy lifestyle in the student’s daily life decisions and practices.  Health and physical education are integrated. Students are expected to change clothes before they go to the gym and take them home to wash on a regular basis.  Family Life will be introduced later in the year.

SUBJECT: Arts plastiques/Art

Students will explore different techniques such as drawing, illustrating, painting, collage and modelling with the goal of expressing themselves artistically.  Students will perceive what they are thinking or feeling, make and meet their goal through different techniques, transformations and representations and see art by explaining and describing their own work and the work of others.  The grade 5 class will participate in the Integrated Arts program. 


Students will visit the library every day 5 to exchange their books! 


* Students should expect Home Reading as homework in French and in English throughout the year.  I will alternate weeks of reading in French and English. Spelling and dictée words or phrases should be studied daily to ensure success on Friday tests. Students will be given a practice test on Monday and test on Friday. Students will bring home their spelling scribblers on Friday to be signed by parents and are to complete corrections by Monday morning.  Incomplete assignments will be sent home to be completed as homework.  Some of the homework will be in French. I understand that most parents do not speak French so I will be available at recess to help students who require extra assistance with their French homework. My goal is for students to be successful! Parents who have any questions or concerns should contact me at the school for further clarification! *

Evaluation Procedures:

The students will be assessed based on their daily work, tests, journals, oral presentations, observations, discussions, listening skills, reading skills, group work, problem solving (math), design process (science), research projects, quizzes and self-evaluations.  Students will collect work in a portfolio which will be presented to parents at student-led conferences. 
I usually send home tests and projects to be signed by parents and brought back to school so that there are no surprises come report card time. 


Please sign your child’s agenda each day so that we know you have seen it. Feel free to use it as a means of communication with the school. Students in grade 5 are responsible for writing down their homework, bringing it home each day, and back to school the next day! 

Scholastic Book Orders:

Every month your child will bring home book orders in English and French. This is an excellent way to keep encouraging your child to read. Please note that no cash will be accepted. All orders will need to be completed by cheque. Thanks! 


Each student will be provided with a locker this year. This is one of the perks of being in grade 5. Students are required to bring their own combination lock. Please help your child to master the art of the combination lock at home the evening before school starts. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers clean and organized. They are also responsible for keeping their locker locked so that their belongings are safe. Students should not share their combinations with anyone and we will keep a list of combinations just in case a student forgets his or her combination!

Classroom Expectations


1) Keep your hands and feet to yourself and act safely!  

2) Do your job!  (Listen, be on time and prepared, speak French in class, complete assignments and homework on time, etc.)

3) Respect yourself and others.  (Be polite, raise your hand, treat others how you wish to be treated, etc.)

4) Take care of your environment and the things in it.  (Classroom, desk, locker, school grounds, etc.)  Students will have a chance to clean their lockers and desk at the end of every month and before holidays. 


1) Reminder

2) Warning

3) Time-out.  (During class time or at recess, meets with

4) Parents notified 

These expectations will contribute to a positive learning environment.

Bullying, threats, swearing, fighting, racism, truancy, physical assault, theft, vandalism, etc. will not be tolerated.  Thank you for your support.

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