Monday, 25 February 2013

A few notes...

Good evening,

Here are a few notes....

1. Forms were sent out for students who are in choir, musical theatre, and recorder club to attend Music Festival throughout the month of March.  Please send them back no later then Wednesday.  The choir permission form is very important because we are going on Monday and there is no school this Friday.

2. There will be a rehearsal for Annie after school on Thursday.  Please contact Mme Burdeniuk if your child cannot attend.  Her email was on the form.

3. The students will be going to Freeze Frame on Monday for most of the day.  The cost is $4.00.  The choir students will join the other students following their performance in the morning.  It is imperative that the form and the money are in by Wednesday.  All of the students will be required to bring a bag lunch that day.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C

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