Tuesday, 26 February 2013

February Newsletter

 February Newsletter

The students have been reading newspaper articles and answering questions.  They continue to practice their words.  Their next step is to work on their editing skills using their weekly TWAS.

Sciences humaines:
The students have been looking at different explorers and Vikings and as well as the countries who financed the expeditions.  The students completed a research project on a Viking or explorer of their choice.  We also discussed the relationship between the Aboriginals and the Europeans once they established a colony in North America.

Sciences de la nature and Hygiène:
The students have almost completed part of the unit Maintaining a Healthy Body.  The students are now looking at the different systems (for example, the digestive system).

Arts plastiques:
The students begun a mirror art project using contrasting colors.  They also created a research cube which was integrated with Sc. Hum, Français and Art.

The students have spent most of their time writing a speech for the concours d’art oratoire this month. As a class, we started off exploring different ideas for their speech. Students heard examples of speeches and we identified the structures of these speeches. Finally each student wrote a speech (minimum of 2 minutes long).

We have begun our unit on long division.  We also continued to work on problem solving and mental math strategies.   They completed a problem involving the fur trade to go along with Festival du Voyageur week

Mme Craciun

Dates to remember:

March 1st: No school

March 4th: Choral Festival - AM
                   Freeze Frame – All day

March 5th: Early dismissal

March 8th: Annie – PM

March 11th: Recorder Club – PM

March 12th: Report Cards

March 14th:  Basketball tournament – 11:15-2:00 PM
                       Conferences – PM

March 15th: No school, conferences AM

March 19th: Early dismissal

March 20th: WSO

March 22nd: Last day of school/Party PM

March 25th-29th: Spring Break

Student contribution by Sadie and Justin:

This month in class, we are studying new things, for example, in Sc. Nat, we are studying the systems of the human body.  In English, we are correcting TWAS after we bring it home.  In Sc. Hum, we made a cube with an animal and we had to fill the cube with information about that animal.  We had Festival du Voyageur and to go with that, we had a pancake lunch.  We are collecting food for Operation Donation.  Next week, we will be going to Freeze Frame.  The choir members had a performance.  Here are some of the things we did during the month of February.  

Monday, 25 February 2013

A few notes...

Good evening,

Here are a few notes....

1. Forms were sent out for students who are in choir, musical theatre, and recorder club to attend Music Festival throughout the month of March.  Please send them back no later then Wednesday.  The choir permission form is very important because we are going on Monday and there is no school this Friday.

2. There will be a rehearsal for Annie after school on Thursday.  Please contact Mme Burdeniuk if your child cannot attend.  Her email was on the form.

3. The students will be going to Freeze Frame on Monday for most of the day.  The cost is $4.00.  The choir students will join the other students following their performance in the morning.  It is imperative that the form and the money are in by Wednesday.  All of the students will be required to bring a bag lunch that day.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C

Operation Donation

Good morning,

Just a friendly reminder that the Operation Donation Food Drive begins today.  We will be collecting food throughout the week.  If you are able to send nonperishable items, it would be much appreciated.

Mme C

Friday, 15 February 2013

Golden Gate Registration

Good morning,

The students will receive their Golden Gate registration package today.  Please send them back to the school with your child by February 22nd.  The secretary will forward them to Golden Gate.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend,
Mme C

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Good morning,

I will be changing the way we do TWAS.

Rather than doing TWAS on a weekly basis, we will be do it on a bi-weekly basis.  Every other week, I will ask the students to correct their TWAS from the previous week.  One goal that I have for the class is to improve editing skills which include:
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Capital letters
- Does the text make sense?
- Is there appropriate detail?

Before I hand back their TWAS, I will underline the errors.

Today we will write a new TWAS entry, and next week, we will begin editing.  I have asked that all of the TWAS be returned no later than Wednesday, or they will be asked to rewrite their entry.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C


Good morning,

I will be sending students home with a new LCM book today.  I do ask that they read it at least once each day, and then they may choose their own book to read in French.

Mme C

Monday, 11 February 2013

Pancake Lunch

Good morning,

Just a friendly reminder that the free pancake lunch is next week.  We do ask that the permission forms be handed in as soon as possible.

Mme C

Friday, 8 February 2013

TWAS on Edmodo

Good afternoon,

The students will be writing their TWAS on Edmodo this afternoon.  If they are not finished, I do ask that they be complete the assignment during the weekend.  I also ask that parents write a note indicating that they read their child's TWAS.

Merci beaucoup and have a great weekend,
Mme C

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Les discours


The students have been working very hard on their speeches.  Bravo!

Just a reminder that the students will be presenting their speeches on Tuesday afternoon.

I do ask that they recopy and practice their speech over the weekend.  I will also give them them some class time tomorrow and Monday to recopy their speech and practice presenting their speech with a partner.

Mme C

Valentines Day


Just a reminder that next Thursday, we will have our Valentines Day party in the afternoon.  I will send home a list of student's names tomorrow.

Mme C

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sc. Nat Quiz on Thursday

Good morning,

Just a reminder that the quiz is on Thursday.  I did forget to mention that the students will also answer a few questions in regards to the food guide.

I will  be doing a review in class today.

Mme C

Golden Gate Information Night

Good morning.

Just a reminder that tomorrow evening is the Golden Gate information evening.
More information can be found on the Golden Gate website:

Mme C

Monday, 4 February 2013

A few notes...

Good afternoon,

Here are a few notes to pass along....

1. Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is early dismissal.

2. I will be sending home progress reports tomorrow.  I ask that parents sign and return them to school by the end of the week.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Mme C