Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Multiplication Quiz

Good afternoon,

I will be giving the students a quiz in Math tomorrow.  It will cover the multiplication table and long multiplication (2 x 2 digits).  We have been doing Math centres in order to practice.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions,
Mme C

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Math Activity

Good afternoon,

We are lucky to have Mme Page who will be working in the school during the month of March. She presented several math games to the class today. Above is an example. Please ask your child to explain the game to you. 

Mme C

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

The students have been discussing Persuasive writing texts in hopes of convincing Hershey’s to become part of the Fair Trade Organization.  They continue to practice their words.  Their next step is to work on their editing skills using their weekly TWAS.

Sciences humaines:
The students have been looking at different explorers and Vikings and as well as the countries who financed the expeditions.  The students completed a small research project on a Viking or explorer of their choice.  We also discussed the relationship between the Aboriginals and the Europeans once they established a colony in North America.

Sciences de la nature and Hygiène:
The students have almost completed part of the unit Maintaining a Healthy Body.  The students are now looking at the different systems (for example, the digestive system).

Arts plastiques:
The students created a Seigneurie to represent New France.

The students have spent most of their time writing a speech for the concours d’art oratoire this month. As a class, we started off exploring different ideas for their speech. Students heard examples of speeches and we identified the structures of these speeches. Finally each student wrote a minimum of 2 minutes.

We have almost finished long multiplication.  We also continued to work on problem solving and mental math strategies. They completed a problem involving the fur trade to go along with Festival du Voyageur week

Mme Craciun

Dates to remember:

March 1st: Early dismissal

March 3rd: Theater Club: PM

March 9th: Report Cards

March 17th: Project Fair and Conferences PM

March 18th: Conferences AM and No School       

March 17th: Early dismissal

March 24th: Last day of school/Party PM

March 25th- April 1st: Spring Break


Good morning,

I am sending a math booklet to be completed at home in order continue practicing long multiplication.  I will give them until Thursday to complete it.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions,
Mme C