Tuesday, 30 September 2014

September Newsletter

September Newsletter 5-22

The month of September has been very busy.  The introduction of classroom expectations and getting to know the students has certainly made this month pass by very quickly.  Here are the topics that we have been covering in different subject areas:

In ELA, We have been doing different activities to get to know everyone (including Mme Craciun) better, including a character bag presentation and a bio poem.  We will soon be working on Guided Reading.

Science humaines:
In Sciences humaines, we have been discussing provinces and territories and their capital cities.  We have also been working on geographical regions of Canada such as the Prairies and the Canadian Shield.

Sciences de la nature: 
In Sciences de la nature, we have been looking at the vocabulary for the weather, discussing how weather affects humans and animals, and the different characteristics of air.

In hygiène, we have discussed bullying.

Arts plastiques:
In art, we have created pictures frames and the students drew a self-portrait to go along with the ELA theme of All About Me.

Students have been working hard at getting back into the routines of reading every evening.  We have also been going over verbs in class to ensure students are familiar with them.  We read a play about belonging. Students have been practicing the plays with their groups and will present them to the class!

At the beginning of September students traced their shoes and measured the perimeter to make a locker nametag. We are currently working on number concepts.  We have also been working on mental math strategies.

We have really enjoyed our first month with this great grade 5 class!!

Dates to remember:
Early dismissal: October 2 and October 21
Cross Country at 12:15 pm: October 2
Picture Day: October 9
Thanksgiving: October 13
Inservice: October 24

Halloween party: October 31 PM

Friday, 26 September 2014


Good afternoon,

This weekend's homework is to read and to have their T.W.A.S. signed. I do ask that they not edit their writing as we will work on this next week. 

Merci ans have a great weekend. 
Mme C

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Science Experiment

Good morning,

This morning the students did a science experiment to see how many drops of water the students could put on a penny. The students first made a prediction and wrote out a report. The goal was to teach the students how to write a scientific report. 

Mme C

Monday, 22 September 2014

Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox Run - Friday, September 2

Annual Terry Fox Run - Friday, September 26th 2014
Once again, École Assiniboine will be supporting the Terry Fox Foundation by walking and donating a Loonie or a Toonie to cancer research.  Please help us make a difference by sending $1.00 or $2.00 with your child by the run date!  If you are interested in joining us, please do so.  The event will take place at 2:15 p.m. on Friday, September 26, 2014.
Parent Volunteers are always welcome and needed!!!  Please email M. Senecal at rsencal@sjsd.net to let us know if you are able to help out.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Cooperative Activity

Good afternoon,

The students participated in a cooperative activity today. They were given a name of different students and had to put them in order according to the clues they were given. 

Here is a picture of the activity. 

Mme C

Monday, 15 September 2014

Character Bag

Good afternoon,

As a class, we have discussed our 4 basic needs in order to be happy: Love and Belonging, Freedom, Power, Fun. 

Starting on Thursday, each student will present their character bag to the class.  The students are asked to bring a paper or a plastic bag and items from home which represents all 4 needs.  One item can represent more than one need (for example, a photo with friends could represent love and belonging as well as fun).  The items should be small enough to fit into their bag, for example, if a dog represents love and belonging, the student could bring a dog collar or a dog toy.

I will give them time on Wednesday to practice presenting. 

Here is an example of what I would include in my character bag:

Power and Freedom - A cd to represent music because I love to sing.  I feel I have a good voice (power) and I feel free when I sing (freedom).

Love and belonging and Fun - I would bring some photos of my family and friends and a cat toy to represent my pets.

If you have any questions, please send me an email as soon as possible and I will respond right away.

Have a great week!
Mme C

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Assiniboine BBQ


Order forms are being sent home today for the school BBQ on September 25th.  The orders are due by September 16th and no late orders will be accepted.  If you child has misplaced the form, please let me know asap, and I will send home another form.

Mme C

Monday, 8 September 2014

LCM and HR


The students chose their first LCM book today and some chose a HR book from the classroom.

The students are expected to read in English and in French everyday.  Their sheet should be signed once a week indicating the book (or books) their child has read.  If the students have read the same book (a novel) throughout the week, parens are only expected to sign for that book once, but indicate that their child read the same book,

The students also chose a French book from the classroom library and may change their books throughout the week.  If they are confident that they can choose a different level book, they can come and see me and I will read with them.

I will also test them once or twice a month to make sure they are choosing books appropriate for their reading skills.

If you do have any questions, please feel free to email me (scraciun@sjsd.net).

Mme C

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone!  I am very excited to begin the new year!

Thank you to all of the parents for coming to the opening day conferences.

Here are a few notes:

1. Patrols are to be outside by 8:15 am tomorrow morning (équipe 1).
2. We will organize/label all of the materials first thing in the morning.
3. Please return all forms (Media Release/Contact Info/Medical Form) as soon as possible.

Merci and wishing everyone a great year!

Mme C