Friday, 28 February 2014

February Newsletter

The students have been writing persuasive writing texts in hopes of convincing Hershey’s to become part of the Fair Trade Organization.  They continue to practice their words.  Their next step is to work on their editing skills using their weekly TWAS.

Sciences humaines:
The students have been looking at different explorers and Vikings and as well as the countries who financed the expeditions.  The students completed a small research project on a Viking or explorer of their choice.  We also discussed the relationship between the Aboriginals and the Europeans once they established a colony in North America.

Sciences de la nature and Hygiène:
The students have almost completed part of the unit Maintaining a Healthy Body.  The students are now looking at the different systems (for example, the digestive system).

Arts plastiques:
The students created an project involving the Olympic Rings.

The students have spent most of their time writing a speech for the concours d’art oratoire this month. As a class, we started off exploring different ideas for their speech. Students heard examples of speeches and we identified the structures of these speeches. Finally each student wrote a minimum of 2 minutes.

We have begun our unit on long division.  We also continued to work on problem solving and mental math strategies. They completed a problem involving the fur trade to go along with Festival du Voyageur week

Mme Craciun

Dates to remember:

March 4th: Early dismissal

March 7th: Basketball tournament (11:15-2:30)

March 10th: Theater Club: AM

March 12th: Report Cards

March 13th: Project Fair and Conferences PM

March 14th: Conferences AM and No School       

March 18th: Early dismissal

March 21st: Spring photos

March 28th: Last day of school/Party PM

March 31st- April 5th: Spring Break

Contributions by: Jayde, Haley, et Bria

This month has been pretty hectic.  We had the Olympics and Festival du Voyageur, not to mention Anti-Bullying Day.  Mme Noel, Mme Lachance, and Mme Craciun's classes wrote speeches. They presented them in their class in order to participate at the divisional level.  The kids who were chosen were Jeremy, Anais, Diana, and Cole.  In the Olympics, Canada came in third behind Norway and Russia.  For Festival du Voyageur, we dressed up like voyageurs for the whole week and on the Friday, we had our pancake lunch.

Friday, 21 February 2014


Good afternoon,

I am sending work to be completed over the weekend.

They are to finish their menu (they have to plan meals for a camp for 7 days) and they have to finish their persuasive writing text about fair trade chocolate.

As always, please email me if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend,
Mme C

Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy Long Weekend!

Good morning,

I am giving the students a break from homework this weekend.  They all have worked very hard on their speeches.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Mme C

Friday, 7 February 2014

January Newsletter

January Newsletter

The students have continued to work on Daily 5 in order to improve their reading and writing skills.  We have also been working on Sadako.  The students researched and presented a topic of their choice.

Sciences humaines:
During Social Studies, the students been preparing for the next unit, which will look at the relations between the Aboriginals and the Europeans upon their arrival to North America.  They are now researching a famous explorer.

Sciences de la nature:
During Science, we have been looking at food labels and how to choose healthy food.  We have also looked at the 4 food groups and discussed what a portion is.

In French, the students have been studying the verbs in present tense.  They finished writing their Aboriginal story and typed it on the computer.  They have also been writing their speeches.  We have discussed how to write an introduction as well as the body paragraphs.

The students continued to work on algebraic questions as well as pattern and relations.  We also did a review of basic multiplication with the help of centres to prepare them for long multiplication.  We have also been looking at different strategies for long multiplication, for example:
62x9 = (9x60) = (9x2) = 558

The students completed a snowflake painting.

Thanks to all our patrols for working hard even in the cold winter weather!!

Another big thanks to all the parents who came with us to the Christmas Cheer Board. This was a worthwhile excursion and the students really felt good about their hard work after we were done!

Mme Craciun

Dates to remember:
January 28: Little Mermaid 12:20-2:45
February 3: No school
February 4: Early dismissal
February 14: Valentines Day party PM
February 17: Louis Riel Day
February 18: Early dismissal
February 21: Pancake lunch
February 27: Family Bingo
February 28: Inservice

Student Contribution by Riley and Kieran:

It was fun this month.  We really enjoyed it because we were able to do hoop dancing and we were able to to the Disney Musical, The Little Mermaid Junior.  And we hope that the kids of class 22 have an amazing February!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

More Notes..

Good afternoon,

Here are a few more notes:

1. Golden Gate open house is tonight at 7:00 pm.

2. On Thursday February 6th (tomorrow), we are encouraging students to wear red/white or something with the Canadian logo.  We want to show our support for the athletes.

3. The next patrol movie will be on February 22nd at 9:30 at SilverCity St Vital.  Doors open at 8:00 am.  Students need to show their patrol card.  Kids popcorn pack is $5.05 (includes popcorn, drink and treat).  Parents are asked to pick up their child at 11:00 am.  More information is included on the sheet which will be sent home today.

Mme C

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Good afternoon,

In case your child does not come home with their speech tonight, it is because I will be correcting them. 

Mme c