Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas Hamper

A great big thank you to all the parents who sent in food, gifts and money for the Christmas Hamper. The students were very happy to be able to provide a family in need with a wonderful holiday. Thank you to all the parents who helped pack the hampers and get them loaded in the cars: Mr. Kantzioris, Mr. Erickson & Mr. Iwanusiw. A special thanks to Mr. Moder, Mrs. Moder, & Kennedy who helped deliver the hampers. We received a very heartfelt thank you from the family and they were overwhelmed by our donation. École Assiniboine was able to help five families through the Adopt a Family program.

Home Reading

Good afternoon,

I am asking students to read during the holidays in French and in English.

Also a friendly reminder to fill out the Boston Pizza form in order to receive a free kids meal.

Happy Holidays!
Mme C

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Math Quiz and A Charlie Brown Christmas

Good morning,

I will be giving the students one last quiz on Thursday.  It will cover algebraic questions.

Here are some examples:

1     2
2     4
3     6

They would need to complete the table (8, 10, 12), and write out the rule (Xx2 or 2X).

They will also need to write out an equation for a questions.

e.g. I had a box of 30 chocolates.  I ate a few and I now have 13 left.  The equation would be 30-X=13 and X=17.

Finally, there will be algebraic questions where they need to find X.
e.g. X-4=25  X=29, 2X=8  X=4

I will do a review with them on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I am also asking the students to practice their lines for a play we will be presenting on Thursday (A Charlie Brown Christmas).  The students will be choosing their parts today.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C

Thursday, 12 December 2013

A few notes...


Here are a few important notes...

1. We had our Verb quiz this morning.  Any student who received 12 or less on their quiz will have a chance to redo it on Monday.  The quiz was returned this morning to them.

2.  I will be giving a quiz in Sc. Hum on Tuesday to end Cluster 1: First Peoples.

The material they are to study is:
- The Bering Strait Theory
- The Aboriginal Culture (for example, where did they live (in a tipi), what did they wear on their feet (mocassins), etc.)
- The trading between Aboriginal Tribes (le troc which means a fair trade).
They have 2 booklets to study from in their agenda.

3. We are still in need of at least one other parent volunteer for our bowling outing next Friday (Dec. 20th).  If you are able to volunteer, please let me know.

As always, please email me if you have any questions.
Mme C

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Secret Santa

Good afternoon,

During the last week of school, the students will participate in Secret Santa.  We will choose names on Wednesday December 11th.  The students will have a choice of handing out 5 small gifts (one for each day of the week during the last week), or 1 big gift on the last day of school.  The total should not surpass $5.  I will send home a note with the students today.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Holidays!
Mme C

Monday, 9 December 2013

Home Reading/Lecture Chez Moi

Good morning,

I will not be asking the students to do Home Reading until the holidays.  We will be doing several evaluations during the final 2 weeks which will require the students to study at home.  If the students still wish to read in order to complete the monthly Boston Pizza form, they can still do that of course, but I will not be checking their sheet until after the holidays.

As always, please email me if you have any questions.
Mme C

Friday, 6 December 2013

A Few Notes ...

Good morning,

Here are a few important notes:

1.  I am asking the students to finish their Aboriginal Legend by Monday.  I am only asking them to write, and we will work on editing next week.  If they are done, they are to read as usual.

2.  I will be giving the students a Science quiz next Wednesday.  It will cover the following material:

- The difference between long and short term weather forecasts
- Name a weather story (e.g. if a groundhog sees his shadow, only 6 more weeks of winter)
- They will be asked to draw the water cycle (the vocabulary is the same in English and in French)
Vocabulary: Condensation, Précipitation, Evaporation
- They will be asked to identify the different types of clouds (they have pictures in their notes and the names are the same in English and in French)
- They will be asked the difference between climate and temperature.  The climate is almost always the same year after year (e.g. In Winnipeg, there is always snow in the month of December).  The temperature changes from year to year (e.g. on December 5 2013, 5 mm of snow fell in Winnipeg).

3.  I will be giving the students a quiz on present tense verbs.  They have a sheet with the verbs and I will also include the verbs on the bottom of this post.  I will give them a series of sentences where they have to fill in the blank with the correct conjugation and they will have to conjugate a whole verb.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Mme C

Révision pour le quiz des verbes :

Verbe : avoir au présent :

j’ai                                         nous avons
tu as                                      vous avez    
il a                                         ils ont        
elle a                                      elles ont

Verbe : être au présent :

je suis                                    nous sommes
tu es                                      vous êtes    
il est                                      ils sont
elle est                                   elles sont

Verbe : aimer au présent :

j’aime                                     nous aimons
tu aimes                                  vous aimez   
il aime                                    ils aiment
elle aime                                 elles aiment

Verbe : finir au présent :

je finis                                   nous finissons
tu finis                                   vous finissez        
il finit                                     ils finissent
elle finit                                 elles finissent

Verbe : aller au présent

je vais                                    nous allons
tu vas                                    vous allez    
il va                                       ils vont
elle va                                   elles vont
Verbe : vendre au présent

je vends                                  nous vendons
tu vends                                  vous venez   
il vend                                    ils vendent
elle vend                                 elles vendent

Verbe : vouloir au présent :

je veux                                   nous voulons
tu veux                                   vous voulez  
il veut                                     ils veulent
elle veut                                 elles veulent

Verbe : faire au présent :

je fais                                    nous faisons
tu fais                                    vous faites  
il fait                                     ils font
elle fait                                  elles font

Verbe : pouvoir au présent

je peux                                   nous pouvons
tu peux                                   vous pouvez 
il peut                                     ils peuvent
elle peut                                 elles peuvent

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Adopt a Family


Please refer to Mme Lachance's blog for the list of items that we still need and the list of items we no longer need.

Mme C

Mme Lachance's blog:

Tween Beats Book Circle

Good morning,

The St. James Library is putting on the following program:

Tween Beats Book Circle
We 9-12 years olds have our own special rhythms. During our monthly, one-hour meeting, we:
- Talk about what everyone is reading, watching and playing.
- Play games.
- Make cool stuff.
No registration required. Join us!
First Thursday of each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.


Mme C

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

November Newsletter

 November Newsletter:

The students have continued to work on Daily 5 in order to improve their reading and writing skills.  We have also been reading the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.

Sciences humaines:
During Social Studies, the students have studied the Bering Straight Theory and create a diorama.

Sciences de la nature:
During Science, we have been studying the water cycle, as well as clouds.  The students also created a form of transportation which could be used cross the ice during the last ice age.

In French, the students have been studying verbs in present tense.  They have continued to work on the “é” sound.  We have also been reading Aboriginal Legends.

The students worked on pattern and relations.  We also did a review of basic multiplication.  We continue to work on problem solving questions.

Dates to remember:
December 3: Early dismissal
December 16 pm: Christmas Cheer Board
December 17: Early dismissal
December 18: Christmas Concert (1:00 and 6:30 pm)
December 19: Christmas Concert (1:00 and 6:30 pm)
December 20: Last day of school and bowling PM
December 23-January 3: Winter Holidays

Student entries: Amber et Malory

Last month was super exciting.  The whole school went to an assembly.  It was the Remembrance Day Service.  The whole choir sang Enfant du Paix", grade 4 and 5 students sang "Take these Wings" and the grade 3 students sang "Let there be Peace on Earth".  The students received their report cards.  We had hot lunch; it was perogies.  M. Sénécal planned Jersey Day.  Everyone wore their jersey to school last Thursday and we took a picture of the whole school.

That was the month of November!

Le mois passé était super excitant!  Toute l'école est allé à l'assemblé du Jour de Souvenir,  On a écouté les chorales de 4 et 5e années et de 3e année.  Les élèves ont chanté "Let there be Peace on Earth", "Enfant de Paix", et "Take these Wings".  Toutes les chorales ont travaillé les nouvelles chansons.  A la fin du mois de novembre, on a reçu nos bulletins.  On a fait la journée du chandail sportif.  Tout le monde a aimé ça!

Voilà le mois de novembre!

Monday, 2 December 2013

A few notes


Here are a few notes that were sent home today:

1.  We will once again bowl in the afternoon of the last day of school.  The cost is $5.  If would like to volunteer, please let me know.

2. We are once again collecting different items of the Adopt a Family food hamper.  The items needed are listed on the note.

Have a nice evening,
Mme C

Sunday, 1 December 2013

My Child in School

Good afternoon,

The Manitoba government officially opened the website My Child in School.  The website provides parents with the curriculum outcomes for each grade level in each subject area.  At the moment, only grades K-4 are available.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Mme C