Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Farewell video

Grade 5 Farewell video:

A form was sent home with the students today to purchase the farewell video.  The cost is $10 and you can make cheques payable to Rygiel Photography.

If your child loses the form and wishes to purchase, you can send the cheque and Mme Lachance can fill out the form.

If you have any questions, please email Mme Lachance at

Mme C

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Winnipeg Public Library

Summer is almost here and Winnipeg Public Library is working to make sure it’s full of fun and learning for children and families!
We’ve just launched  our Summer Reading page bringing together all the TD Summer Reading Club and programming information you’ll need.
We have great programs lined up for pre-schoolers, families and school-age children (include special programs just for Tween ages 9-12).  You’ll find story times, writing workshops, a video workshop, Family Literacy Fun Days, Lego Block Parties, musical performers and magicians and readings by Goldeyes players – lots to choose from!
The highlight of our summer with the community is the TD Summer Reading Club – a reading incentive program for school-age children and pre-readers and their families, too.
Visit any of our  20 branches to join the Club. No required reading lists - just read for the fun of it! 
Kids can have fun, improve their reading skills, and reduce summer learning loss. Receive a free activity book, reading calendar log and stickers when you register for the club.  Track your reading to earn ballots for great prize draws in August.
Join us for the annual visit by Goldeyes baseball players who share with kids the fun and importance of reading.
Library Night at the Ballpark is August 1st!  Thanks to the Goldeyes for donating game tickets for a draw at each library.
Registration begins Monday, June 24 - the program ends Friday, August 9.

Grade 5 Farewell

Good evening,

Just a friendly reminder that the grade 5 Farewell will be held at 2:00 pm tomorrow.  If you are unable to make it, Mme Lachance will have a copy of the video full of pictures to purchase.  More information will be available tomorrow.

Students may wear nice clothing if they like.  Keep in mind, they will be going out for recess and they will be wearing their Assiniboine t-shirts during the ceremony.

As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Mme C

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Lettre for Golden Gate

Good morning,

The students have been asked to write a lettre to the teachers at Golden Gate.  We will begin working on it in class today and I will give them some time tomorrow.  I do ask that the rough draft be handed in by Thursday and the good copy handed in by Friday.  I will be bringing the lettres with me when we go to Golden Gate on Monday

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C

Monday, 17 June 2013

Verb Quiz

Good morning,

I will be giving a verb quiz on Friday.  The quiz will cover past tense verbs.  We will do a review in class throughout the week.  I will also hand out a sheet with all of the verbs that are to be studied.  In case they loose the sheet, here are the verbs the quiz will cover:

Révision pour le quiz du verbe :

Verbe : aimer au passé

j’ai aimé                         nous avons aimé
tu as aimé                      vous avez aimé
il/elle a aimé                  ils/elles ont aimé

Verbe : faire au passé

j’ai fait                         nous avons fait
tu as fait                       vous avez fait
il/elle a fait                   ils/elles ont fait

Verbe : aller au passé

je suis allé                     nous sommes allés
tu es allé                       vous êtes allés
il est allé                       ils sont allés
elle est allée                  elles sont allées

Verbe : finir au passé

j’ai fini                          nous avons fini
tu as fini                       vous avez fini
il/elle a fini                   ils/elles ont fini

Verbe : avoir au passé

j’ai eu                                              nous avons eu
tu as eu                                           vous avez eu
il/elle a eu                                       ils/elles ont eu

Verbe: être au passé:

j'ai été                                              nous avons été
tu as été                                           vous avez été
il/elle a été                                       ils/elles ont été

As always, please contact me if you have any questions.
Mme C

Monday, 10 June 2013

Baby photos

Good afternoon,

Mme Lachance is collecting baby photos for the grade 5 farewell video.  Many of the students have already brought in a photo while studying family life, so they can use those photos.

If your child has not yet brought in a photo, please have it in by Thursday as Mme Lachance will be working on the video over the weekend.

Mme C

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


      Bullying presentation
      June 5, 2013

     This morning students from grades 4 and 5 attended a presentation on bullying.  The presentation was given by Alyssa Wyspianski, a former student and now Miss Teen Manitoba.   Alyssa talked about ways to prevent bullying and help people who are being bullied.  She also shared her experience about being bullied and how adults helped her.  She talked about exclusion which is also another way of being bullied.  She really wanted to be part of a group when she was growing up and had difficulty being accepted in the “cool group”.   As Teen Manitoba, Alyssa shares her story with various groups hoping to help people realize that there is help out there.  You can tell an adult you trust, your friends or parents. Our students were engaged in the presentation and asked a lot of questions.  The more tools we give them the better they will be equipped to deal with situations if they arise.

A few notes ...

Dear parents,

Tomorrow the students will be participating in the Track and Field events.  Just a friendly reminder that your child should bring the following items:

-      -  Proper running shoes
-       - A bag lunch
-       - Sunscreen
-       - A bottle of water

As well, we will be going to Fort Gibraltar the following day (Friday June 7th).  Just a reminder that your child will also need a bag lunch on that day. 

The daycare will be notified that the students will not be eating downstairs for those 2 days.

Please email me if you have any questions (

Mme C