Monday, 29 April 2013


Hello parents, it is hard to believe, but we are nearing the end of yet another school year.  Here is what we have been studying in 5-22:

The students continued to work on their newspaper article.  They will now type them on the computer.


The students attended the movie Zarafa and wrote a report on the movie.  They have also been working on grammar and the novel Babouche est jalouse.

The students painted a picture of a Seigneurie in Nouvelle-France while following certain criteria.  They also created an art project representing equivalent fractions.


They have continued to work on problem solving.  Please practice basic facts with your child as it becomes difficult to complete problem solving if the basic facts are unknown. The class has continued to study equivalent fractions as well as decimal numbers

Sciences humaines:
The students have begun looking at the Hudson Bay Company and their expansion in North America during the 18th century as well as their competition with the North West Company.  As a class, we also begun to look at the animals, which were used during the Fur Trade.

Sciences de la nature:
We have been studying solids, liquids and gas.  We have looked at their properties (all matter has a mass and volume).  We have also studied different interactions between different substances so as to identify what those substances are.

We have continued to study teeth.  M. Senecal has also come into the class to begin teaching Family Life.

We will be going to the Winnipeg International Storytelling Festival at Fort Gibraltar on May 10th.  The fundamental objectives of the festival are human rights and respect for the individual.

Dates to remember:
May 7th: Early dismissal
May 9th: Divisional Heritage Fair
May 10th: Grade 4 and 5 fieldtrip AM
May 20th: Victoria Day
May 21st: Early dismissal
May 24th: Special Lunch and Assiniboine Children’s Centre is closed
May 30th: Track and Field

Student contribution by Lauren and Hannah:
These are some of the things we did this month.  We just finished our Spring play.  Our reward was some yummy flower cake.  In the gym, the Divisional choir came and sang for the school.  In Math, we are learning fractions and decimal numbers.  In French we are reading a book called Babouche est jalouse.  In English we are writing our own newspaper article.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


Good afternoon,

Mme Lachance has asked that all costumes be in no later then Monday.

We will be doing a dress rehearsal as well as photos after school.

We are also looking for volunteers.  A sheet was sent home earlier this week.  If you are free to assist either Wednesday or Thursday, please fill out the form and return it with your child on Monday.

Please feel free to email Mme Lachance or myself if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!
Mme C

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Verb Quiz

Good afternoon!

Next Thursday (April 18th), I will be giving the students a quiz on futur tense verbs.  I will send home a paper tomorrow with the verbs.  We will also review this in class.  I will ask them to study rather than LCM next week.

I have also included a list of verbs to study here on the blog.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mme C

La révision des verbes au futur simple :

Verbe : faire au futur 
je ferai                         nous ferons   
tu feras                         vous ferez

il fera                            ils feront

elle fera                        elles feront

Verbe : aller au futur

j’irai                             nous irons

tu iras                           vous irez

il ira                             ils iront

elle ira                          elles iront

Verbe : avoir au futur
j’aurai                                    nous aurons 
tu auras                         vous aurez   
il aura                                    ils auront                      

elle aura                        elles auront 

Verbe : être au futur
je serai                         nous serons

tu seras                         vous serez

il sera                            ils seront

elle sera                        elles seront

Verbe : les verbes en « er » (sauf aller)

je mangerai                    nous mangerons

tu aimeras                      vous aimerez

il parlera                       ils parleront

elle nagera                     elles nageront

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Celebration of Learning

Good afternoon,

The Kindergarten PM, 3-12, 4-12, 4/5-11, and 5-22 will be participating in the Celebration of Learning next Thursday (April 11th) at 12:30 pm.

Hope to see you there!
Mme C

Monday, 1 April 2013

Science Quiz

Good afternoon,

I will be giving a Science quiz on Thursday to finish off the unit about the humain body.  I have sent home a note covering the material and the students have a booklet to study.

It will cover various body systems and identifying the different parts as well as explaining their importance.

We have done a review today and will do another review tomorrow.  I have also offered recess time to study and pose questions.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions (

Mme C