Friday, 28 September 2012

September Newsletter

September Newsletter 5-22

The month of September has been very busy.  The introduction of classroom expectations and getting to know the students has certainly made this month pass by very quickly.  Here are the topics that we have been covering in different subject areas:

In ELA, We have been doing different activities to get to know everyone (including Mme Craciun) better, including a character bag presentation and several questionnaires.  We will soon be working on Guided Reading.

Science humaines:
In Sciences humaines, we have been discussing provinces and territories and their capital cities.  We have also been working on geographical regions of Canada such as the Prairies and the Canadian Shield.

Sciences de la nature: 
In Sciences de la nature, we have been looking at the vocabulary for the weather, discussing how weather affects humans and animals, and the different characteristics of air.

In hygiène, the students are working on a booklet about bullying.

Arts plastiques:
In art, we have created pictures frames and the students drew a self-portrait to go along with the ELA theme of All About Me.

Students have been working hard at getting back into the routines of reading every evening. We have also been going over the verb “avoir” in class to ensure students are familiar with it when writing sentences correctly!  We read a play about the start of the school year. Students have been practicing the plays with their groups and will present them to the class!

At the beginning of September, students traced their shoes and measured the perimeter to make a locker nametag. We have done a review of addition and subtraction.  We are currently working on number concepts.  We have also been working on basic multiplication facts and mental math strategies.

We have really enjoyed our first month with this great grade 5 class!!

Dates to remember
Early dismissal: October 2 and October 16
Picture Day: October 5
Thanksgiving: October 8
Scholastics due: October 18
Inservice: October 19
Halloween party: October 31 PM

Contribution by: Keenan and and Kyle

So far, grade 5 has been fun!  It has been very busy this month!  We have been doing nombre de la semaine and jogging de tête.  We have been reading the play “La rentrée” and practicing our parts.   We will be presenting the play starting next Tuesday.  We have been counting plastic bags in Math for Bag Up Manitoba.  We have counted over 1000 bags already!  We have been practicing our alto recorders in Music!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Terry Fox

It's that time of year again!  The students will be running the annual Ecole Assiniboine Terry Fox run this Friday at 2:00 pm.  Parents are invited to join in the fun.  We are also asking for donations of a loonie, a toonie or more!

Merci in advance for your help!
Mme C

Monday, 24 September 2012

Bag Up Manitoba

The grade 5 students are once again participating in the Bag Up Manitoba Challenge in hopes of winning another bench.  We are asking all families to send in their plastic bags.  A letter will be sent home tomorrow.  The grade 5 students will then count all of the bags.  We have automatically received a bird house just for participating.  We will be collecting plastic bags until October 26th.  Thank you all in advance for you help!
Mme C

Friday, 21 September 2012


Homework for the weekend is:
1. LCM - La rentrée
2. Finish and sign TWAS
3. Character (for Monday)

Have a great weekend!
Mme C

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Character Bag

Our theme in ELA this month has been all about me, in other words, getting to know the students.  Starting on Monday, the students will be presenting a character bag with items that represent 4 of our basic needs: Love and Belonging, Power, Fun, Freedom.  They are to choose an item that represents each of these needs, for example, for love and belonging, your child may choose to bring a picture of their family, and for freedom, your child may want to include a book in their character bag.  One item can represent more than one need (for example, a picture with friends may represent love and belonging, as well as fun).  
The items should be small and fit in a paper bag, which your child will decorate at school.  Your child has written out a plan, so you may ask them to refer to that plan.  
I do ask that your child not bring anything valuable to school.  The items will be sent home once the presentations are completed (either on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week).
Please email me if you have any further questions.
Mme C

Monday, 17 September 2012

Early Dismissal

Just a reminder that tomorrow is early dismissal.
Mme C

Lecture chez moi

Just a reminder that this week's homework will be to read in French. 
Mme C

Friday, 14 September 2012


Homework for the weekend is:
1. Sign your child's TWAS.  They are to have half a page (not double spaced) or a full page (double spaced)
2. Home Reading

Have a great weekend!
Mme C

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Medical Forms

For those students not wanting to participate in cross country, we do ask that the medical forms be returned as they are needed for future field trips.

Mme C

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Divisional Calendar

You can access the divisional calendar at the following site:

Mme C

Dates to Remember

The month of September:

September 18th: Early dismissal
September 27th: Terry Fox celebration at 2:00 pm in the Gym

Cross Country

Cross country forms were sent home today.  If your child wishes to participate, please send the forms back to M. Sénécal.
Mme C

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Show and Save

Show and Save information was sent home yesterday.
Mme C

Alto recorders

Alto recorder forms are being sent home today.  Please send the permission slip back to Mme Burdeniuk.

Mme C

Monday, 10 September 2012


Bonjour tout le monde,
Just a reminder that Media Release, Emergency Contact Information, and Expectations, should be handed in as soon as possible.  If you need another copy, please let me know, and I'll be happy to send another one home.
Mme C